Опубликовано 15.09.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Correct the sentences. Write one negative and one affirmative sentences in the present continuous.
1. I am wearing jeans today(trousers)
2. My parents are playing tennis now(work)
3. Our teacher is sleeping at the moment(talk)
4. I am sitting in the library now(classroom)
5. We are listening to music(study grammar)

Ответ оставил Гость

1. I am wearing trousers today.
Am I wearing trousers today?
2. My parents are working now.
Are my parents working now?
3. Our teacher is talking at the moment.
Is our teacher talking at the moment?
4. I am sitting in the classroom now.
Am I sitting in the classroom?
5. We are studying grammar.
Are we studying grammar?

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