Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Writing a weather forecast for three days

Ответ оставил Гость

night, partly cloudy weather, light snow -3 degrees..2 degrees 732 mmHg 98% of 1 m/s WITH a chance
morning, cloudy weather, light snow -4 deg..-3 degrees 735 mmHg 93% 5 m/s NW
day, partly cloudy weather, light snow -5 degrees..-4 deg 739 mmHg 96% 4 m/s rain
evening, partly cloudy weather, light snow -7°..-5 degrees 740 mmHg 97% 4 m/s rain
Sunrise: 09:46
Sunset: 16:57
Longitude of the day: 07 hour. 11 min
Geomagnetic field: unstable
Moon phase: waning gibbous
9 December
night, partly cloudy weather, light snow -7°..-6° 741 mmHg 97% 3 m/s NW
morning, partly cloudy weather, light snow -8 degrees..-6° 741 mmHg 89% to 4 m/s With a chance
day cloudy weather, light snow -8 degrees..-7° 742 95 mmHg% to 4 m/s With a chance
evening, partly cloudy weather, light snow -9°..-7° 744 mmHg 95% 5 m/s With a chance
Sunrise: 09:47
Sunset: 16:56
Longitude of the day: 07 hour. 09 min
The geomagnetic field is calm
Moon phase: waning gibbous

10 December
night, partly cloudy weather, light snow and 10 degrees..-8 degrees 746 mmHg 93% 6 m/s With a chance
morning, partly cloudy weather -11°..10C 748 mmHg 89% 8 m/s With a chance
day cloudy weather, light snow -11°..-9° 751 mmHg 87% 8 m/s With
вечерпеременная cloudiness -11°..-9° 756 mmHg 86% 7 m/s With
Sunrise: 09:49
Sunset: 16:56
Longitude of the day: 07 hour. 08 min
The geomagnetic field is calm
Moon phase: waning gibbous

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