Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

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Peter ,

Well, this is my second week in Paris. I like it very
much. I usually get up at ten oclock
& have breakfast in a street cafe.
French breakfasts are very small, but the coffees net bad. I always go to
school by Metro. I usually arrive at school at twelve oclock. I learn French
every day. School usually finishes at five oclock. In the evening I
occasionally stay in the hotel, but I usually go out for dinner with a friend.
Life is very interesting here. Next weekend Im going to the coast. Give my
regards to everybody. Love, Ann.

1. Where
is Ann?

2. Dees she like Paris?

3. When does she get up?

4. Where does she have breakfast?

5. Are French breakfasts very small?

6. Is the coffe bad?

7. Does she go to school by Metro?
8. What language does she learn?

9. At what time does school finish?

10.Where does she occasionally stay in the evening?

11.Who does she usually go out with?

12.Is life interesting there? Dear Louise?

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