Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Why should people learn my language?
сочинение-рассуждение 8-12 предложений помогите!!!!!

Ответ оставил Гость

My native language is Russian. This is a great and powerful language. It is the official language of Russian Federation, Belarussia, Kazahstan, Kyrgizstan. Over 145 million people speak Russian as a first language . People understand Russian in Lithania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukrain, Poland, Azerbajdjan, Armenia, Tajikistan.
Over 100 million people speak Russian as a second language. It is clear that quite a lot of people speak and understand Russian. 
Peopleshould learn Russian because there are  literature masterpieces writtenin Russian, that all people must read in original (such as for example "Crime andPunishment" by Dostoevsky). Also it is very important forbusinessmen to know Russian language. Russian Federation isthe biggest country in the world and one of the richest. The territoryof the country is huge, thats why businessmen of all over the world aredoing their business in Russia. Unfortunately not very many people inRussia know other languages then their native, thats why it is veryimportant for the foreigners to know our language.

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