Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

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1. if I (to know) you were at home, I would have called you.
2.There(to be) not a bicycle, Jake (to take) it.
3. The children(to try) not to look at each, they(to duarrel) again.
4.One look at his face was enough.He (to get) the job.
5.She dances better now.Her brother(to teach) her probably.
6. When i got there, she (to work)all night.
7.In fact it(to be) hard to believe thet she(to marry).
8.He(to know) the girl since she(to be) a small child.
9.the patient(to die) by the time the doctor(to come).
10.All the garages(to close) by the time we (to cross) the border.
11.When you (to come) to England?
12.You(to watch) TV last night?

Ответ оставил Гость

1. if I knew you were at home, I would have called you.
2.There was not a bicycle, Jake had taken it.
3. The children tried not to look at each, they had quarreled again.
4.One look at his face was enough.He had got the job.
5.She dances better now.Her brother had tought her probably.
6. When i got there, she had worked all night.
7.In fact it was hard to believe that she had married
8.He knew the girl since she had been a small child.
9.the patient had died by the time the doctor came.
10.All the garages had closed by the time we crossed the border.
11.When did you come to England?
12. Have you watched TV last night?

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