Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

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Most people would agree that in the modern world zoos are very necessary. Many people consider that animals better in zoos, others consider that animals better in their natural habitat. Consider the advantages and disadvantages.
There are many positive aspects to keeping animals in zoos. Firstly, it would to help save the endangered species. Secondly, in zoos peoples can see animals alive, feed and caress their.
On the other hand, keeping animals in zoos have its disadvantages. To begin with, in zoos animals have not freedom, because they should live in close cages. Also, animals completely depend of people. Because of it animals loose their natural instincts.
All things considered, although there are many disadvantages to keeping animals in zoos I strongly argue that zoos are necessary to preserve endangered species.

Ответ оставил Гость

Most people would agree that in the modern world zoos are verynecessary. Many people consider that animals better in zoos, others considerthat animals better in their natural habitat. Consider the advantages anddisadvantages.
Thereare many positive aspects at keeping animals in zoos. First, it would help savethe endangered species. Second, in zoos people can see animals alive, feed andcaress their.
On theother hand, keeping animals in zoos have its disadvantages. To begin with, inzoos animals have not freedom, because they should live in close cages. Also,animals completely depend of people. Because of it animals loose theirnatural instincts.
Allthings considered, although there are many disadvantages at keeping animals inzoos I strongly argue that zoos are necessary to preserve endangered species.

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