Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Помогите сочинить маленький рассказ о доме чиполлино на английском языке

Ответ оставил Гость

Chipollino was the son of Cipollone. And he had seven brothers Cipolletti, Chipollotto, Chipollochcha, Chipolluchcha and so on - the most suitable names for fair onion family. People were nice, I must say bluntly, but just did not carry them in life. Well done: where onions, and tears there. Cipollone, his wife and sons lived in a wooden shack a little more drawer for Horticultural seedlings. If the rich happened to fall into these places, they are dissatisfied with wrinkled noses, grumbled: "Ugh, it bears a bow!" - And ordered the coachman to drive faster.

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