Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

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Model: There is a large kitchen in his flat.-Is there a large kitchen in his flat?
1 There is a green carpet on the floor.
2 There is a picture on the wall.
3 There are a lot of nice people in our class.
4 There are a lot of boys in our class.
5 There is a computer in the library.
6 There is a piano in the classroom.

Ответ оставил Гость

1 There isa green carpet on the floor. – is there a green carpet on the floor?
2 There isa picture on the wall. - is there a picture on the wall?
3 There area lot of nice people in our class. - are there a lot of nice people in ourclass?4 There area lot of boys in our class. - are there a lot of boys in our class?
5 There isa computer in the library. - is there a computer in the library?
6 There isa piano in the classroom. - is there a piano in the classroom?

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