Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Стих на английском языке про еду,на уровне 10 класса,чтобы легко учился)

Ответ оставил Гость

I love to eat delicious,
and no matter fun of me or sad.
I love red borsch, our dumplings
and акрошку love, cottage cheese cheesecake
calorie pizza salami strawberries
banana pineapple potatoes with mushrooms,
granted pies and salads
I love vegetables,
with the addition of mint.
Love dried fruits, salads, meat,
beef cutlets, chops pork.
I love cabbage, pepper lazy,
bagels with meat, apples, plums,
sandwiches, cheese grilled fish
apricot, grapes viands any.
Shrimp love,
crunching breadcrumbs,
herring under a fur coat,
dish with sour cream.
Snack love with garlic
and fast food, chebureks, kefir,
tea I bear.
I love adore,
all melts in your mouth.
How can you not love such a meal.

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