Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Помогите с временами английского
1 Complete
the sentences with the present perfect or simple past form of the verbs given.

1 I __________ (not visit) New
York, but I’d love to go one day soon.

2 __________ you __________ (have)
that headache for a long time? You need to go to the doctor about it.

3 I had a great
time in France. We __________ (go) to some fantastic restaurants.

4 Where __________
you __________ (be)? Your clothes are really dirty!

5 We __________
(live) here for over 10 years and we __________ never __________ (think) about

6 Where __________
you __________ (stay) when you __________ (be) in London earlier this year?

Ответ оставил Гость

1   I have not visited New York, but I’d love to go one day soon.
2   Have you had  that headache for a long time? You need to go to the doctor about it.
3   I had a great time in France. We went to some fantastic restaurants.
4   Where have you been? Your clothes are really dirty!
5   We have lived  here for over 10 years and we have never thought about moving.
6   Where did you stay when you were in London earlier this year?

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