Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость


глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном

1. When I (go) to
the shops, I (see) my friend. 2. When I (see) my friend, I (say)
«Hello!» 3. While we (talk), a car (run into) a man on a bike. 4.
When we (see) the accident, I (phone) for an ambulance. 5. While I
(wait) for the ambulance, a po¬liceman (arrive). 6. When the
policeman (arrive), he (ask) us some questions. 7. The ambulance
(come), while I (talk) to the policeman. 8. The ambulance (take) the
man to hospital and we (go) for a cup of coffee. 9. While we (drink)
our coffee, we (talk) about the accident.

Ответ оставил Гость

1 go will see
2 had seen, said
3. were talking ran into
4 saw would phone
5 was waiting arrived
6 had arrived asked
7 came was talking
8 had taken went
9 were drinking, were talking

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