Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Выбери одну из карточек.Дай устный ответ
Card 1:
Talk about your favourite London sight.Say
-What it is famous for.
-Why you would like to visit it.
Только пожалуйста чтобы был не такой большой.Заранее Спасибо.Кто даст правильный ответ тому 60 баллов.

Ответ оставил Гость

If i had a chance, i would like to visit Big Ben. As far as i can remeber, it is the most recognizable  building in the whole world! It was built in 1859  and still indicates current time! It was named after the son of Charles Berry- Big Ben. His son was very tall, so he had such nickname. I would like to visit  Big Ben because i dream to see this incredible building with my own eyes and to take a picture of it.

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