Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Заполните пропуски,изменив слова,данные в скобках
1.She is very (fame) for her songs.
2. I am not very (energy) and i am compety (use) at sport.
3. Your behavior is awful.You are (polite) and (moral).
4.The only thing poverty leads is (happiness) and (literacy).
5. It is (danger) to drive a car at night without any lights.
6.During a safari in Kenya last year, I saw the most (fantasy) animals.
7. The (build), which is an old Spanish hacienda, is three hundred years.
8. One of the main (attract) is horse riding throught the desert.
9. the (popular) of this town is too crowed.
10. A cheif in a New- York restaurant made the first potato crips. He made them very thin. It was (amaze) but people loved them. People said they (taste) and (wonderful).

Ответ оставил Гость

1. famous; 2. energetic, useless; 3. impolite, immoral; 4. unhappiness illiteracy; 5. dangerous; 6. fantastic; 7. building; 8. attractions; 9. population; 10. amazing; tasty; wonderful

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