Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Составьте с следующими словосочетаниями с каждым по 3 предложении или сколько сможете, очень прошу до завтра до утра если сможете.
make a career
dare to do smth.
be afraid of doing smth.
a book on philosophy (art)
become interested in smth.
get red (pale) do smth. i
n return go on doing smth.

Ответ оставил Гость

Для первого: How do you make a career choice when you dont really know what you want to do? Before you can make a career choice you have to learn about yourself. I want  to make a career plan.
Другие три: 
2.Will you dare to ride a roller-coaster? How do you dare to ask me such question? I dare you to ask her out  
И ещё три: 
2.Will you dare to ride a roller-coaster? How do you dare to ask me such question? I dare you to ask her out  
И ещё: 
2.Will you dare to ride a roller-coaster? How do you dare to ask me such question? I dare you to ask her out  
А также: 
4. Did you read this book on philosophy?  The Republic by Plato is a good book on philosophy. Тут два прости.
А тут вот:
I became interested in math. She became interested in chemistry. They became interested in having a family.  I became pale after visiting the haunted house.
Перепеши последние и я отвечу.

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