Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Most adults miss their childhood. “Your school years are the __________________(GOOD) years of your life,” — have you ever heard that phrase? Just recently, while I was on my way to work, I started thinking back to my own school years. They probably were not troublefree but there __________________(BE) many reasons for us to feel happy at school. One of them was spending every single day with friends. We __________________(NOT/GET) tired of being together. The __________________(TWO) one was uniform. Yes, in my opinion, the school uniform had more advantages than disadvantages. __________________(MY) was dark green. It was unfashionable but comfortable. It __________________(MAKE) of natural materials. Besides, the uniform saved a lot of time in the mornings. Now it __________________(TAKE) me hours to decide what to wear. Another thing is that I don’t really like sport. But at school we __________________(PLAY) football, netball, hockey and so on. Sport was compulsory. Now I realise that this was a good thing! And of course there were… holidays! Christmas, Easter, halfterm, and the jackpot — the summer holidays.

Ответ оставил Гость

1) best
2) were
3) didnt get
4) second
5) Mine
6) was made
7) takes
8) played

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