Опубликовано 03.01.2018 по предмету
Английский язык
от Гость
Написать предложения косвенной речью: a) Kate said, "I am doing my chores." b) Tom said, "I have a nice house." c) Ann told me, "I will leave my work soon." d) John told me, "I have a bad habit."
4. Отметить "truce"/"false". 1) The 20th century is known for its abstract style of painting. 2) The first painting of this style appeared in 1911. 3) The style is characterized by the refusal of artists to depict the real world. 4) There are no kinds of abstract art as cubism, abstractionism, expressionism.
Ответ оставил Гость
Kate said that she doing her chores
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